It doesn't seem so long ago that I couldn't imagine a life that didn't have alcohol in it. So if that's you right now then, chill. This process really is one step at a time.
Removing alcohol from your life isn't about what you're giving up, it's about what you're gaining.
My dream is that you reconnect to your true, authentic self through the loving act of ditching the booze and prioritising YOU 🙏🏼
”The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”
Carl Rogers 1995
Hey, I'm Cristyn 👋🏼
In 2022 I began experimenting with an alcohol free lifestyle - something I NEVER thought I would do! Since my early teens, the hedonist in me made sure I was always socialising and partying, most likely with a drink in my hand.
After seeing my partner and a couple of close friends ditch the drink, it sparked a curiosity in me. I was inspired by their efforts and I questioned if I too was up to the challenge. After 1 failed attemped at the start of January 2022, I picked up where I left off in September and I haven't looked back!

I have never felt as home in my own body as I do now. I realise I lived for so long without truly knowing myself. Living a sober life has allowed me to connect with my true self and to remember who I am at my core which has ultimately given me the confidence and the trust that I've deeply desired all of my life.
This has been such a powerful experience that I have chosen to empower others who wish to evolve into the next version of themselves through exploring the option of living sober.
You do not need a rock bottom or be in active addiction to decide to quit drinking!
'Become a Coach' Life Coach Certification (ICF Accredited) 2023 - I completed a 12 month coach education program with ICF Master Certified Coach Lydia Kimmerling. This course has given me a strong foundation of core coaching skills as well as a solid ethical framework.
Trauma Informed Coaching Certification (ICF Accredited) 2023 - Completed with ICF Master Certified Coach Feroshia Knight. Being a trauma-informed coach allows me to be in the coaching space with clients who have experienced trauma in their life and navigate sessions with a heightened sense of compassion, recognising how trauma my show up in the coaching container. Most importantly here, knowing when it is necessary to refer a client to another psychological support service when coaching is not the appropriate modality for progression.
Introduction to Existential Coaching 2023 - Completed with Yannick Jacob, a prominent name in the coaching space. Existential coaching opens the door to the bigger questions in life - what's my purpose? How do I want to show up the world? Personally, I think this is the fun part! The part where you get to explore the deeper part of yourself, reconnect with your authentic self and begin to build the life you desire.
Foundation in Heart Rate Variability 2024 - Completed with Elite HRV. Living a sober life is not just about removing the booze, that's just part of it! Tracking your HRV is a way to take a glimpse into your overall health status. I incorporate tracking this valuable biometric alongside the coaching sessions to give us a way of objectively measuring progression in certain areas of your life.
A little more about me...
I am a very proud mum of 3 beautiful humans who we are raising on the Balearic island of Ibiza. I first came here to party when I was 18, feel in love with place and moved my life here each summer for 5 years. I met my partner here and when my son was 2 we decided to move back here permanently.
My life is as you would expect with 3 kids - mainly chaotic! It's a big reason I chose to quit drinking, I needed a clear head to keep life flowing as smooth as possible.
I have an on-off relationship with running (currently off following a minor spinal hiccup). I don't run fast and I don't run far but I enjoy throwing my trainers on, putting on a good podcast (usually Huberman Lab) and running through the countryside.
I am learning Spanish, it's teaching so much about the principle of consistency. I have always enjoyed learning a language and I've set myself a goal that I want to be fluent in a years time.
For me, learning is a life long thing. I love learning - whether thats about the world around me, about my self or about my clients, I love learning. I love the challenges that life brings, I see them as a puzzle to be solved. I love listening to podcasts on topics such as psychology, neuroscience and personal development and reading books in these same areas too.
I work part time in an addiction treatment centre on the island. I chose to go back to work as I missed working with people in real life. I love coaching, it's my passion but I know I need to be in the presence of others not just working on a screen each day. I love my role, it is an incredibly rewarding position and it's rich with learning opportunities, helping me to understand addiction on a much deeper level.